Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Etude House Haul

O2 white cream, Princess pact, #3 kissful tint chou,
oil control/blotting paper, pink pouch (freebie), 2 BB creams trial pack (freebies)
I honestly wanted the pink pouch only but they are not for retail, you can get them free by buying their products worth P1500 with any princess collection. I am addicted to buying Etude House products ever since i became curious of their line and it was raved about here in the net so might as well try them out. It's a plus that some of their items are very affordable but other items are not w/c disappointed me a little because i wanted to try like all products especially the skincare line but it was just pricey (so-so). I wanted to look for skincare products that would be of my HG just as looking for a HG foundation and concealer. Up until now i haven't find one yet :( and I am determined now to put myself a notch higher since my search for drugstore products is an absolute failure! Now i am thinking of trying MAC and/or Makeup Forever. If i found one, although pricey, i will gladly save up just to buy another bottle/tube.

What can you recommend? What's your HG foundation/concealer?

Ja Mata Ne!~♥


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