Thursday, July 14, 2011

San San Nail Polish: Tea Rose

Ok! So I haven't been able to blog because of school but now it's okay and yeah enough with that... I was doing some errands and came across this nail polish, just the thought that it sounded like the shade of let's say, the NYX lipstick and cream blush tea rose. I personally love the shade tea rose, because it's like subtle pink that can look natural and can be use for every day. Well, this nail polish is also one of those.

with 2 coats of the nail polish

This is the nearest that i could show you so that the camera will pick up the color better since from afar it's not because it's very very light, like a milky-baby pink.

♣ can be use for everyday
♣ locally available
♣ affordable (P37-39 i actually forgot and lost the receipt but w/in that range or $0.85-$0.90)

♣ i have tried their other nail polish and it chips off like after 3 days
♣ sheer (this formula, but others are not. It depends i guess)

I like to try the other shades, I have the cloudy gray which I will  be posting next. But I like to try the warm sand or tan something between those shades, so I will have to return to the store to buy. 

Ja Mata Ne!~♥

Friday, July 1, 2011

Check it out!

Hi! I just want to let you know that I've added feature in my blog.
The What's New Button located in the upper categories of my blog. You'll be able to find what's been going on and what product that a certain brand/company is featuring now. Thanks and I hope it would be helpful for you guys! :D

Ja Mata Ne!~♥