Lately, i've been busy preparing for my board exam... I won't be able to update my blog but maybe i can post this coming Holy Week. I've been hauling this past few days so i will post a collective haul but will categorize them by brand so that it would be easier... Hope i can catch up with the new items that are recently being released, but it will be harder for me especially if the item/s is/are not available locally as I will have to buy them online and wait patiently for a month for it to arrive... In other words, there will be something new coming out before i get my hands on it. Bummer! :(
So excited to share my hauls! Even though Im sooooooooooooooooooooo (oh yeaaahh...) late about those items!! LOL! Well, who cares?! :DJa Mata Ne!~♥